As AI evolves rapidly, lawmakers struggle to keep up

While artificial intelligence made headlines with ChatGPT, behind the scenes, the technology has quietly pervaded everyday life — screening job resumes, rental apartment applications, and even determining medical care in some cases. While a number of AI systems have been found to discriminate, tipping the scales in favor of certain races, genders or incomes, there’s … Read more

South Korea moves to prosecute leaders of strike involving thousands of doctors

Thousands of striking doctors in South Korea are facing proceedings to suspend their medical licenses as authorities escalate measures against the ongoing walkouts that have disrupted hospital operations. Nearly 9,000 medical interns and residents have been on strike for two weeks, protesting a government plan to increase medical school enrollment. Officials say there is a … Read more

Germany military call on unsecured phone line was hacked and leaked by Russia

A German military officer joined a conference call from a Singapore hotel using an unsecured phone line, which was hacked by Russians and leaked. The leaked audio involved high-ranking German officers discussing scenarios of using Taurus missiles against invading Russian forces. While German authorities have not questioned the authenticity of the recording, Chancellor Olaf Scholz … Read more